In a marriage ceremony, vows are at the forefront. The rest is just a bookend. However, the couple will always be running to prepare every single detail such as the dress, the reception, gifts like groomsmen watches, the decoration and so on.

The first bookend will be the processional, which is your guests walking down to music. Then, your officiant will make a few remarks about marriage or welcome remarks.

The Processional

There are many traditions that come with getting married, and one of the most common is the processional. During this part of the ceremony, your immediate family and wedding party make their way down the aisle to find their seats. The bride and her father are usually the first to walk down the aisle, followed by the maid-of-honor and bridesmaids.

groomsmen watches

The next step will vary depending on the logistics of your wedding and your personal preferences. If you’ve decided to skip the traditional wedding toasts and instead have the officiant introduce your guests, they may be asked to stand. You can also include readings, such as short excerpts from your favorite book or meaningful poetry. Or you can ask selected guests to read the readings.

The tradition of fathers “giving” their daughters to husbands has led to the bride being walked down the aisle. This is not always the norm. Some couples prefer to walk hand-in-hand. Whatever feels right for you is the best choice.

Once everyone has been seated, a period of musical accompaniment is played to keep the mood up until the ceremony begins. This is known as the prelude or interlude, and you can use this time to set the mood with your choice of music. Check out our perfectly curated list of songs for walking down the aisle. You can also download a worksheet to help you create your perfect processional.

The Recessional

The wedding recessional is a piece of music played as the bride, groom, and their attendants return down the aisle after the ceremony. It’s usually a song that is upbeat and reflects the celebratory spirit of the day. The couple should choose a song that represents something unique to their relationship, such as a shared passion or hobby, to make it personal and meaningful.

During the exit, it is common for the flower girl to leave first followed by the best man and maid of honour. The rest of the wedding party should then follow, followed by the parents and grandparents. Some couples have guests throw flower petals at the end of the ceremony, which is easier on venues than rice. Newman suggests that guests wait until the newlyweds have almost reached the altar before throwing their packets.

The officiant will then say a few words before declaring the couple married. This is also the time to perform any unity ceremonies, like a sand ceremony or unity candle, if applicable.

The couple will then sign the marriage certificate as a symbol of the union. If the couple is religious they can also recite their wedding vows. After the ceremony, the minister may encourage the couple’s first kiss together as newlyweds.

The Liturgy Of The Word

The Liturgy of the Word is the first part of your wedding ceremony, whether or not it includes Mass. A psalm response and the reading from Scripture are said by the assembly, while a cantor or choir sings the Gospel Acclamation.

The priest welcomes the assembled faithful and offers one of several possible prayers for the couple. Then the couple enters the sanctuary in procession, accompanied by their attendants, parents, and possibly the best man and maid of honor. If they are bringing gifts of bread and wine, they do so at this point.

After the readings, a homily should be delivered. It should be morally and hortatorily oriented. The couple then responds to the final intention by expressing their concern for the church, the world, and the local community. They also ask God’s blessing on their union and promise to live a life of love, devotion and service.

This is followed with the exchange of consent. This act symbolizes a marriage’s deep dedication to each other. This is a moment which will be with a couple for the rest of their lives. Its meaning will grow over time. It can be a moment of quiet reflection, or it can be a joyful occasion. It is a richly symbolic action that is at the heart of every wedding ceremony.

Once the exchange of consent is complete, a Nuptial Blessing is offered by the priest. It is a moment to affirm the love of the couple in front of the community that is gathered to witness their commitment. The congregation may applaud if they wish. They are encouraged to extend their hands toward the couple during this prayer.

The Eucharist

The Eucharist is a very important part of a Catholic wedding ceremony. The priest prays to consecrate the bread and wine as the Body and Blood Christ, also called Communion. The ceremony may include a reading from Scripture or an excerpt from the Gospel and homily. Some couples choose to have their guests read something that represents their relationship. The officiant will then welcome everyone and explain why they’re gathered together as witnesses to the couple’s covenant.

After the Eucharistic ritual, the groom kisses the bride and she lifts her veil as a sign that they have now been married. If she wants photos of this moment to be perfect, she can ask her maid of honour or bridesmaids to help.

The Kiss

A wedding ceremony can also include a moment of remembrance for those who aren’t present. It could be as simple to invite those closest to the couple stand at the front for a brief prayer for their happiness, health and protection. Some couples choose to include a photo or the names of their loved ones in the program.

After you’ve made your vows, he will pronounce you married. You will then share your first kiss as newlyweds.

The order of the ceremony is similar to that of a religious wedding, but couples can add their own personal touches to it by writing their vows or readings. Couples can also incorporate a unity ceremony, such as lighting a single candle. It’s also popular for couples to exchange gifts, such as their wedding bands and a gift from their officiant, which can be a great way to start your marriage with something meaningful.